Passionate and experienced executive-level leadership, with experience in both Fortune 500 and in growth-stage technology companies. Award-winning individual achievements and team leadership in developing products in consumer electronics. Extensive network in nanotechnology, flat panel display, and greentech/cleantech industries. Experienced in international technology collaborations. Particular experience in business development, building and managing internal teams, external communications, intellectual patent strategy, expert witness work, and in public-private partnerships. Author of 66 issued US patents and numerous peer-reviewed journal articles. Currently holding leadership roles as Convention Chair for the Society for Information Display, and Chair of the Editorial Board for the MRS Bulletin (monthly journal of the Materials Research Society).
Specialties: Technology expertise: flat panel displays, RFID, printable electronics, flexible electronics, nanotechnology. Business expertise: product development, intellectual property (patents, licensing, expert witness), business development, project team management, investor/public relations.