Bo-Ru (Paul) Yang worked with SiPix (later on merged with E-ink) during 2009–2012, participated the production of fast-switching, high performance, and color E-papers. Since December 2012, he joined Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU), researching on the flexible electronics and displays. He has been actively participating the SID events, serving as Associate Editor of JSID since 2015, Chair of E-Paper and Flexible Display Committee in 2017, Chair of Special Topic on Foldable Displays in 2018, Chair of Special Topic on Printed Displays in 2019, and Seminar Chair in 2020. He is also the Program Chair of ICDT annual display conference held by SID Beijing Chapter in 2020. He won several research awards, including Distinguished Paper Award of SID in 2016 and Best of IDW in 2019.